2016 Feb 27 Cotton Pickin' Squares
Sorry we don't have more pictures of this visitation. That's because we were too busy having fun dancing to Mike Bramlett. Michelle Viera couldn't make it, so Mike called and cued. He cued without a safety net (cheat sheet) - very impressive. We had dinner (in Greenville) before at TaMolly's.
DANCERS (left to right)
Pat and Mike Pediman, Martha and Ernest Hernandez, Donna and Fred Bolanz, Joanne and Mike Patrick, WynEl and Glen Dodson, Mary and Louis Wriedt, Terri and Jerry Johnson.
DANCERS (left to right)
Pat and Mike Pediman, Martha and Ernest Hernandez, Donna and Fred Bolanz, Joanne and Mike Patrick, WynEl and Glen Dodson, Mary and Louis Wriedt, Terri and Jerry Johnson.